
Caddy is designed with a user-friendly architecture that facilitates the creation of plugins. The community actively contributes to numerous plugins, which can be explored in the list available here. These plugins enhance functionality, allowing users to, for instance, format logs or execute shell commands.


Add a Plugin with CLI

Caddy is equipped with a command-line interface (CLI) that enables the seamless integration of plugins. To add a plugin, execute the following command:

xcaddy build \


transform-encoder is a plugin that provides the capability to format entry logs with a distinct and customizable structure, useful for tools like fail2ban that will parse logs.

Add a Plugin for Docker

To incorporate plugins into a Docker Caddy instance, the most effective approach is to rebuild the Caddy image by including the desired plugin.

Craft a Dockerfile based on caddy:builder and run xcaddy:

FROM caddy:builder AS builder
RUN xcaddy build \
	--with \
FROM caddy:latest
COPY --from=builder /usr/bin/caddy /usr/bin/caddy

From my previous blog post 01-caddy-in-docker, you can edit the docker-compose.yml file:

version: "3.9"
   image: caddy-custom:1.0.0
     context: .
     dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
   container_name: caddy
   restart: unless-stopped
     - "80:80"
     - "443:443"
     - "443:443/udp"
     - ./Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
     - ./data:/data
	 - ./config:/config
     name: caddy

With these modifications, the docker-compose.yml file will now employ the customized image caddy-custom:1.0.0, which includes the desired plugins, in lieu of caddy:latest.

To restart the container with the new image, just run:

docker compose down && docker compose up -d

If you want to rebuild the image, use:

docker compose rebuild
